Master cPFence: Your Go-To Cheat Sheet

The cPFence command-line interface (CLI) is designed to simplify server security management with powerful and intuitive commands. This cheat sheet organizes key commands into categories, making it easy to find what you need. Whether you're configuring settings, monitoring activity, or maintaining server security, this guide will help you work more efficiently and effectively.


General Options

  cpfence --status                     Display information about current running modules and license status.
  cpfence --show-stats                 View protection statistics and information about your server.
  cpfence --set-email EMAIL            Set or update the email address in the configuration settings.
  cpfence --enable-cpfence-smtp        Enable SMTP for cPFence notification emails only.
  cpfence --disable-cpfence-smtp       Disable SMTP for cPFence notification emails only.
  cpfence --restart                    Restart all services and modules to apply new settings.
  cpfence --ip-reputation-on           Enable regular monitoring of your server's IP reputation.
  cpfence --ip-reputation-off          Disable regular monitoring of your server's IP reputation.

Protection Control

  cpfence --enable-all                 Enable all default protections.
  cpfence --disable-all                Disable all protections.

IPDB / DDos Protection Module

  cpfence --enable-ipdb                Enable cPFence IPDB.
  cpfence --disable-ipdb               Disable cPFence IPDB.
  cpfence --restart-ipdb               Restart cPFence IPDB.
  cpfence --enable-DDos                Enable cPFence DDos Protection.
  cpfence --disable-DDos               Disable cPFence DDos Protection.
Tip: To monitor the blocked attacks by cPFence IPDB, use the following command:
sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep -E 'cPFence Blocked:|cPFence DDos Protection:'

WordPress Security and Maintenance Tools

  cpfence --wp-autoshield-on           Enable WP AutoShield - One-Click WordPress Security.

Tip: WP-AutoShield runs daily at 6:10 AM. To trigger it manually, use the command:

Tip 2: To exclude sites from WP-AutoShield, edit the exclusion list:
      nano /var/log/cpfenceav/wp-exclude-list.txt

To exclude all WordPress installations under a specific account, add:

To exclude a single WordPress installation, add:

  cpfence --wp-autoshield-off          Disable WP AutoShield - One-Click WordPress Security.
  cpfence --enable-integrity-check     Enable WordPress Integrity Check to safeguard your sites.
  cpfence --disable-integrity-check    Disable WordPress Integrity Check.

Integrity Check exclude files:
- Add the paths of websites to be excluded in the file:
- Add filenames to be excluded from Integrity Check detection in the file:
Tip: Use the filename only (without path) to exclude files server-wide with the same name.

  cpfence --enable-auto-file-action    Automatically quarantine unexpected files during the integrity check.
  cpfence --disable-auto-file-action   Turn off automatic file quarantine for the integrity check.
  cpfence --set-check-frequency        Set the frequency of the integrity check. Options: 'daily' or 'hourly'.
  cpfence --generate-wp-sites-list     Generate a list of WordPress sites and their owners on the server.

Tip: The WordPress sites list will be generated to:

  cpfence --bulk-update-wordpress      Perform a bulk update of WordPress core, plugins, themes, and translations.
  cpfence --enable-wp-auto-updates     Enable automatic updates for WordPress core, plugins, and themes.
  cpfence --disable-wp-auto-updates    Disable automatic updates for WordPress core, plugins, and themes.
  cpfence --vuln-scan                  Perform a comprehensive vulnerability scan on your WordPress sites.
  cpfence --vuln-export                Export a detailed vulnerability scan report in CSV format.

Tip: To apply the manual tools below to specific sites only and leave all others intact,
edit the list before running the command:

WP-AutoShield will automatically update the list again at 6:10 AM to apply its changes,
so you’ll need to edit it each time you want to run manual tools.

  cpfence --bulk-disable-wp-cron         Disable Default WordPress Cron to improve performance.
  cpfence --bulk-enable-wp-cron          Enable Default WordPress Cron for all listed sites.
  cpfence --bulk-disable-wp-file-edit    Disable file editing in WordPress Admin panel for all listed sites.
  cpfence --bulk-enable-wp-file-edit     Enable file editing in WordPress Admin panel for all listed sites.
  cpfence --bulk-disable-wp-pingback     Disable default pingbacks in WordPress for all listed sites.
  cpfence --bulk-enable-wp-pingback      Enable default pingbacks in WordPress for all listed sites.
  cpfence --bulk-set-wp-secure-keys      Set secure keys for all listed sites.
  cpfence --bulk-set-wp-permissions      Fix and Apply secure permissions to critical files and directories.
  cpfence --bulk-enable-wp-hardening     Enable WordPress hardening to secure wp-includes, uploads, config, etc.
  cpfence --bulk-disable-wp-hardening    Disable WordPress hardening for all listed sites.
  cpfence --bulk-disable-wp-xmlrpc       Fully Disable XML-RPC for all WordPress sites with a 403 denied error.
  cpfence --bulk-enable-wp-xmlrpc        Enable XML-RPC for all listed WordPress sites.
  cpfence --bulk-enable-wp-limit-login   Enable wp-login protection by implementing Limit Login Attempts.
  cpfence --bulk-disable-wp-limit-login  Disable wp-login protection by removing Limit Login Attempts.
  cpfence --bulk-enable-wp-idle-logout   Enable automatic logout protection after 60 minutes for idle users.
  cpfence --bulk-disable-wp-idle-logout  Disable automatic logout protection after 60 minutes for idle users.
  cpfence --bulk-rename-wp-admin         Rename the default 'admin' username to a unique, secure name.
  cpfence --bulk-disable-xss-in-wp-posts Disable XSS & risky code such as iframes, embeds, or scripts.

Tip: Avoid enabling this for developer clients or those requiring full access to editor features like WPBakery 
or Elementor. While it won’t cause issues in the frontend, it will disable some risky plugin features 
in the admin panel silently.

  cpfence --bulk-enable-xss-in-wp-posts  Enable XSS & risky code such as iframes, embeds, or scripts.
  cpfence --bulk-enable-wp-captcha       Enable CAPTCHA on login, registration, and lost password forms.
  cpfence --bulk-disable-wp-captcha      Disable CAPTCHA on login, registration, and lost password forms.
  cpfence --bulk-remove-mu-plugin        Remove the cPFence MU plugin from all WordPress sites server-wide.
  cpfence --bulk-install-ls-plugin       Install the LiteSpeed plugin on all WordPress sites server-wide.
  cpfence --bulk-configure-ls-plugin     Configure LiteSpeed with advanced presets and Redis enabled.
  cpfence --bulk-enable-ls-redis         Enable Redis caching within the LiteSpeed plugin server-wide.
  cpfence --bulk-enable-ls-heartbeat     Bulk enable and configure heartbeat options in LiteSpeed.
  cpfence --bulk-reset-ls-plugin         Reset all options in the LiteSpeed Cache plugin to defaults.
  cpfence --bulk-clear-litespeed-cache   Clear the LiteSpeed cache on all WordPress sites server-wide.
  cpfence --bulk-install-wp-plugin       Search and install any WordPress plugin server-wide.
  cpfence --bulk-uninstall-wp-plugin     Deactivate and Uninstall any WordPress plugin server-wide.
  cpfence --bulk-run-due-wp-cron         Run all WordPress cron events due right now server-wide.
  cpfence --bulk-force-wp-core-files     Force restore WordPress core files to default server-wide.
  cpfence --bulk-create-wp-user          Create a WordPress user server-wide.
  cpfence --bulk-backup-wp-sites         Bulk create WordPress backups and store them in /cpf_wp_backups/.
  cpfence --bulk-install-plugin-bundle   Bulk install the plugin bundle.

Tip: Add slugs for your bundle here /var/log/cpfenceav/wp-plugin-bundle.txt

Tip2: For Cronjob use this command :
/opt/cpfence/app/setup/cpfmain --bulk-install-plugin-bundle -y

  cpfence --bulk-uninstall-bl-plugins    Bulk uninstall blacklisted plugins

Tip: Add slugs for your blacklisted plugins here /var/log/cpfenceav/blacklisted-wp-plugins.txt

Tip2: For Cronjob use this command :
/opt/cpfence/app/setup/cpfmain --bulk-uninstall-bl-plugins -y

  cpfence --bulk-install-custom-mu-plugin Bulk install your custom MU plugin. 

Tip: Add your one file MU plugin to /var/log/cpfenceav/mu-plugin before running.

Tip2: To force Mu plugin use cronjob :
/opt/cpfence/app/setup/cpfmain --bulk-install-custom-mu-plugin -y

  cpfence --bulk-uninstall-custom-mu-plugin Bulk uninstall your custom MU plugin

Tip: For this to work you must add your one file MU plugin to /var/log/cpfenceav/mu-plugin before running.

  cpfence --bulk-uninstall-cache-plugins  Bulk uninstall all major and widely used cache and Redis plugins

Tip: To force it, use cronjob :
/opt/cpfence/app/setup/cpfmain --bulk-uninstall-cache-plugins -y

  cpfence --bulk-disable-search-engine-index   Disable search engine indexing
  cpfence --bulk-enable-search-engine-index    Enable search engine indexing
  cpfence --bulk-enable-maintenance-mode       Enable maintenance mode 
  cpfence --bulk-disable-maintenance-mode      Disable maintenance mode
  cpfence --bulk-scan-wp-databases             Scan all WP databases for malware

Tip: To exclude Databases from DB Scanning, edit the exclusion list:
      nano /opt/cpfence/user-config/cpfmrtp/whitelisted_databases.txt
      Use the full path of the WP installation. 

  cpfence --bulk-optimize-wp-databases         Optimize all WordPress databases

WAF Management

  cpfence --enable-ols-waf               Enable OLS/LS latest cPFence WAF.
  cpfence --disable-ols-waf              Disable OLS/LS cPFence WAF.
  cpfence --disable-waf-rule RULE-ID     Disable a specific OLS/LS WAF rule by ID (server-wide).
  cpfence --enable-waf-rule  RULE-ID     Re-enable a currently disabled OLS/LS WAF rule by ID (server-wide).
  cpfence --disable-waf-domain DOMAIN    Disable OLS/LS WAF entirely for a specific domain.
  cpfence --enable-waf-domain DOMAIN     Re-enable OLS/LS WAF for a previously disabled domain.
  cpfence --disable-waf-domain-byid      Disable one or more WAF rules for a specific domain.
  cpfence --enable-waf-domain-byid       Re-enable one or more WAF rules for a specific domain.

Tip: For Manual Whitelisting, all your WAF whitelist rules should be added to the following file:

Common Examples:
# Disable a rule manually for all sites:
SecRuleRemoveById Numeric_rule_id
# Whitelist a specific URL for some rules only:
SecRule REQUEST_URI "@contains /wp-admin/page.php" "id:6003,phase:1,pass,nolog,ctl:RuleRemoveById=200007,ctl:RuleRemoveById=225170,ctl:RuleRemoveById=200002,ctl:RuleRemoveById=210230"
SecRule REQUEST_URI "@contains /wp-admin/page.php" "id:6003,phase:1,pass,nolog,ctl:ruleEngine=Off"

# Restart OLS / LS after adding new rules by running:
docker exec openlitespeed /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl restart
docker exec litespeed /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl restart

# Useful Guides:
How to Identify Problematic WAF Rule IDs in cPFence?

Whitelisting and Managing WAF Rules in cPFence:

Malware Protection Settings

  cpfence --enable-MRTP                 Enable Malware Real-Time Protection.
  cpfence --disable-MRTP                Disable Malware Real-Time Protection.
  cpfence --enable-proactive            Enable Proactive Scan. (Fast detection...recommended)
  cpfence --disable-proactive           Disable Proactive Scan. (Slower detection, less RAM usage)
  cpfence --enable-quarantine           Enable Auto Quarantine infected files to /opt/cpfence/quarantined/.
  cpfence --disable-quarantine          Disable Auto Quarantine. (You will need to review scan results manually.)
  cpfence --enable-email-quarantine     Enable Email Quarantine to /opt/cpfence/quarantined/.
  cpfence --disable-email-quarantine    Disable Email Quarantine. (You will need to review email results manually.)
  cpfence --enable-spam-protection      Enable Spam Protection, applying advanced filters to detect spam in emails.
  cpfence --disable-spam-protection     Disable Spam Protection. (Spam filtering will no longer be applied.)

Scanning Options

  cpfence --full-scan                   Run a full scan on all files. (takes 30 mins up to several hours)
  cpfence --smart-scan                  Run a smart scan on critical areas & commonly infected files.
  cpfence --custom-scan PATH            Run a custom scan on any specified path or files you want.
  cpfence --stop-scan                   Stop all running Smart, Full, and Custom scanning jobs.

Tip: Check '/var/log/cpfenceav/infections.history' for more info about detected viruses.

  cpfence --exclude-path PATH           Whitelist a path or file from all virus scanning jobs.

Tip: You can whitelist all files with the same name server-wide. Example:
      cpfence --exclude-path /unique-name.php

Tip 2: To restore the Quarantined File, use this command:
      mv /opt/cpfence/quarantined/example-file.php /var/www/XXXXXXX/public_html/example-file.php

  cpfence --del-exclude-path PATH        Remove a path or file from virus scanning exclusions.
  cpfence --exclude-hash FILE_PATH       Whitelist the hash of a file (use full path only).
  cpfence --del-exclude-hash HASH        Remove a hash from virus scanning exclusions.
  cpfence --exclude-sig SIGNATURE_NAME   Whitelist a signature from most virus scanning jobs.
  cpfence --del-exclude-sig SIG_NAME     Remove a signature from virus scanning exclusions.

Tip: You can manually add a file to the exclusion list here:
You can add a unique filename or directory name, for example:
      /unique-plugin-name/ or /my_unique_whitelisted_file.html
and it will be whitelisted globally for all sites on the server.

Useful guide:
How to Whitelist Files or Folders from cPFence Virus Scan?

cPFence Owl™ Monitoring Module

  cpfence --enable-owl                   Enable cPFence Owl Monitoring system. (recommended)
  cpfence --disable-owl                  Disable cPFence Owl Monitoring system.
  cpfence --restart-owl                  Restart the cPFence Owl Monitoring system.

Tip: To monitor the cPFence Owl™ Module Output, use the following command:
      sudo tail -f /opt/cpfence/app/owl/tmp/logs/main_log

  cpfence --owl-automysql-on             Enable Owl AutoMySQL - One-Click MySQL Resource Governor.
  cpfence --owl-automysql-off            Disable Owl AutoMySQL - One-Click MySQL Resource Governor.

Tip: Check '/var/log/cpfenceav/killed_queries.history' for more info about killed queries.

Rootkit Scanner

  cpfence --rootkit-on                   Turn on Rootkit daily scanner. (recommended)
  cpfence --rootkit-off                  Turn off Rootkit daily scanner.

IP Management Commands

  cpfence --check-ip IP                  Check the current state of an IP.
  cpfence --add-whitelist-ip IP          Add IP to whitelist.
  cpfence --del-whitelist-ip IP          Remove IP from whitelist.
  cpfence --add-blacklist-ip IP          Add IP to blacklist.
  cpfence --del-blacklist-ip IP          Remove IP from blacklist.

Tip: You can manually review or manage your custom whitelist and blacklist files here:
      - Blacklist: /opt/cpfence/user-config/cpfipdb/blacklistips.txt
      - Whitelist: /opt/cpfence/user-config/cpfipdb/whitelistips.txt
      - Whitelist IPv6: /opt/cpfence/user-config/cpfipdb/whitelistips_v6.txt
      - Blacklist IPv6: /opt/cpfence/user-config/cpfipdb/blacklistips_v6.txt

  cpfence --bulk-whitelist-ip URL        Bulk Add IPs in URL/FILE to whitelist.
  cpfence --bulk-blacklist-ip URL        Bulk Add IPs in URL/FILE to blacklist.
  cpfence --bulk-del-wl-ip URL           Bulk Delete IPs in URL/FILE from whitelist.
  cpfence --bulk-del-bl-ip URL           Bulk Delete IPs in URL/FILE from blacklist.

Tip: To avoid issues, always convert the file to Unix format using:
      dos2unix /var/www/#################/path/tor_ips.txt

Country Blacklisting / Whitelisting Module

  cpfence --whitelist-country CODE       Add country to whitelist. 
  cpfence --blacklist-country CODE       Add country to blacklist. 
  cpfence --del-whitelist-country CODE   Remove country from whitelist. 
  cpfence --del-blacklist-country CODE   Remove country from blacklist. 

Tip: You can manually review or manage your custom whitelist and blacklist files here:
      - Blacklist: /opt/cpfence/user-config/cpfipdb/blacklistips.txt
      - Whitelist: /opt/cpfence/user-config/cpfipdb/whitelistips.txt

cPFence MonitorPro - Website Monitoring

  cpfence --monitorpro-on                Enable the cPFence MonitorPro Module.
Tip: The monitored site list is located in:
# To add external domains for monitoring, append them to the CSV file like this:,,,Yes,
# To stop monitoring for a domain, append Yes like this:,,,,Yes
# To Set required content for a domain, use this format:,Required Keyword,,,
# To Set not wanted content for a domain, use this format:,,Not Wanted Keyword,,,

  cpfence --monitorpro-off               Disable the cPFence MonitorPro Module.
  cpfence --export-cluster-domains       Export all cluster domains in CSV format for use with cPFence MonitorPro. 
                                         Ideal for setting up monitoring on other servers.
  cpfence --monitorpro-scan-status       Quickly check the uptime status of all websites in your cluster on demand.

Maintenance Options

  cpfence --backup-cpf-settings          Backup your cPFence settings to be moved to other servers.
  cpfence --restore-cpf-settings         Restore your cPFence settings from a previously created backup file.
  cpfence --sync-ips                     Sync all of your server IPs to your per-website cPFence license.
Tip: You can also use:
      /opt/cpfence/app/setup/validate -sync-ips

  cpfence --update                       Update cPFence software and virus signatures to the latest version.

Tip: you can use "cpfence --update -yes" for auto updates all servers using MultiRun Tool.

  cpfence --uninstall                    Uninstall cPFence software.

Tip: If your license is expired or not working, you can use this alternative command:

  cpfence --version                      Display cPFence installed version.
  cpfence --help                         Display this help message.

Server Administration Helper Utilities

  cpfence --multirun                     A powerful tool to bulk run commands on all your servers in one shot.
  cpfence --fix-permissions-dry          Lists all files and directories not owned by the expected owner (dry run).
  cpfence --fix-permissions              Fix ownership of files and dirs not owned by the expected owner.
  cpfence --enable-global-smtp           Enable server-wide global SMTP relay. 
  cpfence --disable-global-smtp          Disable server-wide global SMTP relay.

Need Further Assistance?

Visit our Knowledgebase or contact our support team for help.

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