WP-AutoShield is not compatible with MemberPress, similar membership plugins, or WordPress MultiSite installations. To prevent conflicts or unintended behavior, you need to exclude these sites from WP-AutoShield.
Excluding MemberPress or MultiSite WordPress Installations
To exclude specific sites from WP-AutoShield, edit the exclusion list:
nano /var/log/cpfenceav/wp-exclude-list.txt
Exclusion Options:
- To exclude all WordPress installations under a specific account, add:
- To exclude a single WordPress installation, add:
Once a site is added to the exclusion list, WP-AutoShield will no longer apply its security measures to it during the daily scheduled run at 6:10 AM or when triggered manually.
Important: Excluding a site from WP AutoShield does not automatically undo any security features that were previously applied. To manually revert changes, follow the guide below:
Quickly Excluding MultiSite WordPress Installations
If you're dealing with MultiSite installations and need to exclude them from WP AutoShield, follow these steps:
1- Disable security hardening for all sites to remove any `.htaccess` edits:
cpfence --bulk-disable-wp-hardening
2- Identify all WordPress MultiSite installations using the following command:
find /var/www -name wp-config.php -print0 | xargs -0 grep -l 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE' | xargs grep -H 'define.*MULTISITE'
3- Add the detected MultiSite installations to the exclusion list:
nano /var/log/cpfenceav/wp-exclude-list.txt
On the next scheduled run, WP AutoShield will automatically exclude these sites and apply the security measures for all other sites on autopilot.
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