How to Uninstall cPFence ?

If you need to remove cPFence from your system, follow the steps below to uninstall the software.

Uninstall Command

To uninstall cPFence, use the following command:

cpfence --uninstall

This command will remove the cPFence software from your system. Follow any additional prompts to complete the uninstallation process.


If your license is expired or not working you can still uninstall the software using the following alternative command :


Additional Information

  • Need Help? If you're uninstalling cPFence for troubleshooting and need assistance, don't hesitate to open a support ticket for a helping hand.
  • We're Sorry to See You Go: For any questions, feedback, or concerns, please feel free to contact us. We're always here to help and appreciate your input.

Thank you for using cPFence!

  • uninstall
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