What Is Owl AutoMySQL® and How Do I Use It?

Managing MySQL resource usage on shared hosting servers can be a daunting task, especially for hosting providers using Ubuntu and the Enhance control panel. High server loads caused by unregulated MySQL usage often lead to performance issues. To address this, we’ve introduced Owl AutoMySQL, an automated solution for managing MySQL resource limits efficiently.

Key Features of Owl AutoMySQL®

  • One-Click Activation: Activate Owl AutoMySQL instantly with a single command:
cpfence --owl-automysql-on
  • Automatic Abuse Prevention: Owl AutoMySQL automatically detects and blocks abusive MySQL queries or scripts that could overload your server, ensuring stable performance while allowing normal operations to continue seamlessly.
  • Customizable Exclusions: Exclude specific MySQL users from being managed by Owl AutoMySQL by adding them to the exclusion list in the configuration file:
# List of MySQL users to exclude from Owl AutoMySQL management.
# Use | as a separator (e.g., "user1|user2"). Default is empty, meaning no users are excluded.

How to Disable Owl AutoMySQL®

If you need to stop Owl AutoMySQL temporarily or permanently, use the following command:

cpfence --owl-automysql-off

Why Choose Owl AutoMySQL®?

  • Designed for Enhance Servers: Owl AutoMySQL is specifically built for hosting providers using Enhance and Ubuntu, providing an alternative to tools like CloudLinux and MySQL Governor.
  • Fully Automated: Owl AutoMySQL eliminates the need for manual monitoring or blacklisting, ensuring 24/7 smart resource management.
  • Non-Intrusive: A smart algorithm distinguishes between legitimate and abusive queries, ensuring your clients’ normal activities remain unaffected.


Need Assistance?

If you have any questions or need further assistance with Owl AutoMySQL, feel free to reach out to our support team via your client portal.

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